Monday, August 01, 2011

Great begining in South Africa

Hey all, it was an amazing first day in south Africa. The team was incredible, the Lord spoke in life changing ways, and our host have been amazing. It is such a blast to watch people I have know for years being used in extraordinary ways. I really have been a bi-stander for the most part. The team is gelling well together and different gifts for different situations have been obvious. To all of the parents and spouses, the whole team is great and getting along well, all healthy and excited. It has been amazing. I wish everyone could have seen Garrett Taylor share his testimony to 300 high school students, or Tyler Springer preach the gospel to an open air crowd after visiting with a Muslim man about his faith. Caleb O'Connor and Trace Thompson have been amazing with the children. Ashley and Kayla are starting adoption proceedings for all of the orphans at the TLC home, and Josh has been a hit with the guitar. Philip and Garrett B are our praise, worship, and dance team, while Jimmy keeps everyone informed on the facts and trivia of South Africa. Toby is our wisdom, Brant and Judd are the leaders of the team, Aaron has become quite the soul winner in the one on one and I am the driver! Corbin has become or photographer and I will add better pics than these when we get everything lined up. Kevin is an amazing servant who is sharing his story, preaching, and cleaning up every chance he get's. Wow, what a team! Now our host! Nic and Brandon have worked themselves to death serving us and setting things up. Tegs and Nadine have worked overtime being exceptional host. What a trip. Tomorrow schools, orphanages and the prison. The Kingdom is growing and the body is maturing! What a day int he Lord. Well, I have to go for now, internet is at a premium, but keep us close and stay in touch! Love you all, live fast, and enjoy! We only get one shot!

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