Saturday, February 27, 2010

4k into a marathon!

Wow, I'm in a run!  I just landed in San Angelo TX after spending the last four days in Phoenix AZ.  It is a beautiful day in San Angelo here for the Dr.  L J Latimer and Melissa Dickson wedding.  Tuesday through Friday I completed my first 4 day residency with the Ken Blanchard school of Leadership.  It was one of the most mentally stimulating events I have been in all of my life!!!!!!  What a thrill to hear some of the greatest Leaders and Business minds on the planet discuss and talk about Organizational strategies, self awareness, stakeholder communication, etc.......  Dr.Ken, Dr.Margie, Dr.Scott Blanchard, Professors Dr.Caren Siehl, Dr.Vicki Halsey, Taylor Carr, Dr. Colleen Barrett,[President emeritus Southwest Airlines]Dr. Kevin Freiberg, Sheldon Harris[founder and former CEO Cold Stone Creamery]  and many others.  Giants in the Field pouring themselves into me!  Wow, how did this happen? Well, I have to admit I am a little overwhelmed and out of my league, but it will be a challenge and keep me growing.  I was asked today if i was getting out of ministry!  I laughed, then said I was too old to do anything else, then explained.  When I go to Venezuela i learn some Spanish to increase my CQ [Cultural Quotient]  When I go to Africa I eat what they eat, when I go to Pakistan I wear a Birka, if I'm going to love and understand Americans, I need to know the culture and language we now speak!  It's all about personal growth in order to be all things to all men!  Hey, can't do this any longer.  Wedding tonight, Hebron Baptist in North Texas starting tomorrow, then Pakistan, then China, then Fielder Road.  In the midst of that I will be doing homework!  I will miss all of Garrett's Baseball games, Kayla Spring Break, and a Month without Debbie!  Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!  Love you all, Living fast!  Time is ticking away, don't get bogged down!!!!!!

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