Saturday, March 07, 2009

First night in the books!

It's 3:00 am and I just had to mention this evening before I go to bed. have you ever had one of those times that you just knew was different and supernatural? Well, tonight was one. Lot's of Pomp and circumstance, children up front making lots of noise, people moving about, then all of the sudden it was grave yard quiet. Other than the voice of myself and the Interpreter and the distant sound of the generator's purr not a sound. No one moving. You just knew this was a special moment in history. I found my unworthy, sin scared, ADD, filthy minded body being used by the God of the universe to speak to individuals. I spoke of the free gift of eternity offered through the righteousness of Jesus to any whom would receive it. Not offering religion, a life style, or even new purpose, I spoke of what the bible calls the propitiation of sins[ yea I don't know what the term means either!I did not mention it. Ha Ha] but I know God gave his son to be the payment for my screw ups and if I'll receive Him and He alone to be my Lord and Savior, I am His forever. Then all of the sudden, with every eye fixed, I asked who believed what they had heard from God and would receive Him. Thousands of men, women, children, and students, rose to their feet, raised their hand and prayed allowed a confession that Jesus Christ and Christ alone was the one they trusted, then they gave their lives to Him! Wow! What happened? Well the Lord just humbled me beyond expectations that He would use someone as fragile and weak as I to draw people to Him. You know folks, don't waste your time on something as superficial and defeating as religion, when you can have life free of charge and free in Him. I don't deserve it, I cant explain it, I just know I have Him and He makes me love each of you in an incredible way! Gotta go to bed so I can get up! Stay tuned, I'm still breathing! Later :-) Wes James we miss you man! Get better! Here is a video of Richard praying for those who stayed for prayer afterward.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Praying for SOULS and SAFETY

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

    David & Cork
    Wow ! We are praying for you!
    I will tell our people what God is doing.
    Larry Stuart
