Friday, March 13, 2009

All ready in Kenya

The team is now on the ground in Nairobi, and Emmett Corker has made it to Texas. I have not heard from Richard Green, but I assume no news is good news. It's 5:30 am in Nairobi and all the volunteers are tucked nicely in bed resting for the demanding schedule that starts tomorrow. Kayla Burk, Chelsea Nelson, and Heath Clem joined Gene Hansen and I in Nairobi last night. We will depart from here this afternoon and land in ElDoret. We will then be transported to Ziwah by Matatu[taxi van]to the home of James Sawe. Sunday we will go to church with community members and begin work on the church the following day. Monday - Friday we will serve with community Kenyans to help complete an African Inland Mission Church. In the process we will love all Kenyans and provide salt and light in a community of beautiful people. Please keep up with us, but understand that there is no Internet in the area where we are serving. Therefore I may not be able to write again until next Saturday. Here is a video made for the student team at Fielder. it is not very good but it shows the team arriving. Well, gotta go! Love you all and can't wait to hear from you. Live fast! Time is short!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    David, As I have read and listened to the blog this morning my heart is feeled with compassion for people who don't my Lord ,thanks to people like you who will go to tell them.I am praying for you and your team as you travel speading God word. Love you all. Linda Daniel
