Wednesday, November 05, 2008

An Historic Day in McGregor, TX

Well, as I rose this morning, had some time with the Lord, drank some fresh coffee, and listened to the replay of some historic speeches. I kind of got excited about what is coming. I sit here in a small town outside of Waco, TX, with a somewhat surreal and philosophical mood. While I do have great concern about the governmental ideology and lack of defined character that seems to prevail this mosaic called America, I am excited that we have overcome deep seeded prejudices that had no more depth than the mere color of a persons skin. This shallow and sickening segment of our country has now been marginalized by a generation who has grown beyond it. Now the question comes, will this new paradigm of thinking be able to govern in the tradition of citizen participation and responsibility that has made this the most powerful, merciful, and compassionate country in the world? We will see.
In short, it has often been said this is not about race. In reality it has all been about race. It is time, and He was chosen. Barak Obama is my new President. I will often stand with him and often stand against him, I will voice my support as well as my opposition, I will participate in the process while encouraging my fellow Americans to keep looking outward rather than inward. Ultimately, I will pray daily for Barak Obama as God uses Him to fulfill His purpose in this country. I pray he will lead, not allowing others to play him. If He succeeds all will be better off and if he fails, we will just replace him! What a country! In reality, my job remains the same! I just live to love all people in all places and give them a hope that is eternal! Well, that was awful serious and introspective for this blog! I promise not to let it happen often! Ha Ha! Hey let's get movin! Life is short and time is moving on. I spoke at a nursing home yesterday and it shocked me at how well I related! Ha Ha! Well, its all about energy now! Let's get after it! Love you all and hey, enjoy this day!


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    OK, now I am ready to read some more about your travels, preaching, Alaska, etc. through your blog site. We really enjoyed you being at College Avenue in McGregor. Your messages were great, and very uplifting.

    My first child was born in Anchorage, Alaska.
    Mary O.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I couldn't agree more, David. Charlotte Bronte once said, "Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among stones." And that they are. We as Americans, and (more importantly) men, women, and children of God, ought to be the ones who tug the "stones" loose, so that the hideous "weeds" that are discrimination and prejudice can finally be eradicated.

  3. Well said Corbin. Wish i could remember those quotes like that! Ha Ha!
